The Scent Of Perfume Front Page

The term perfume is associated with fragrance – an arousing odor, pleasant scent, erotica, sensuality.

Almond flowers blossom

The French use of the term perfume dates back to the 16th Century and is derived from the Latin per– “through” + fumare -“to smoke”.  It describes the activity used to spread scent in churches, public places and homes by burning aromatic plants – incense – and thus “through smoke”

Today the production of perfume is part of a multi billion-dollar industry. In ancient times it also played a major role in the prosperous trading of merchandise between the east and the west…

Read more about the ‘Scent of Perfume’:

Scent and Smell

The sense of smell is one of our 5 senses. It enables us, with the help of organs in our nose, through a process of memory and associations, to recognize our world and to understand and adapt to our environment… go to page...
Perfume Basics

Perfume is a man made product, mostly in the form of liquid, which is composed of several, sometimes hundreds, of components that produce a pleasant smell by having their odor molecules float in the air…go to page...
The History of Perfume

Perfume and incense are mentioned many times in the bible, as well as in remains of records that describe production in ancient Egypt, the land of Israel, India, Mesopotamia and the Far East. The Greeks, followed by the Romans, refined the process of production and emphasized their use for body care...go to page...
The Ancient Perfume Route

The perfume and incense trade route played an important role in the connection between the East and the West – providing commercial activity that also included spices and precious stones. Fortresses along these routes protected the convoys, carrying the expensive merchandise, from robbers…go to page...
Some Stations Along the Perfume and Incense Route

The Incense Route, from Petra through the Israeli Negev to the port of Gaza along the shore of the Mediterranean, stretches across some 150 kilometres. This route is recognized as a world heritage route by UNESCO...go to page...
Collectibles - Overview of the History of Perfume Bottles

Together with the production of perfume, a secondary industry emerged that was dedicated to manufacturing containers for storage and delivery of this valuable product...go to page...
Perfume Bottles: The Ancients

From ancient times, one finds remains of magnificent jugs, vials and bottles made of substances such as clay, alabaster, precious metals and, of course, glass... go to page...
Perfume Bottles: Byzantine, Islamic, Venetian - Middle Ages

Toilette vessels typical of the Byzantine period were strongly influenced by middle-eastern designs... Early Islamic containers were often covered with crimped and wavy coils and other types of applied decorations...The glass industries of Venice were probably influenced by Byzantine craftsmen who arrived in Venice after the fall of Constantinople...go to page...
Perfume Bottles: 17th Century to Modern

The design and manufacture of perfume bottles has been, for many years, a profitable industry by itself. Consequently, unusual perfume bottles attract the attention of collectors who relate to the bottles in terms of their own unique beauty and consider them an item of art... go to page...
Perfume Bottles - Private Collection 1
See examples of a private collection of Jean Paul Gaultier - Female Body Shaped perfume bottles
Perfume Bottles - Private Collection 2
See examples of a private collection of Japanese and Chinese Perfume and Snuff Bottles

This docuweb includes:  Scent and Smell ; Perfume Basics ; The History of Perfume; The Ancient Perfume Route; Some Stations Along the Perfume and Incense Route; Collectibles – Overview of the History of Perfume Bottles; Perfume Bottles – The Ancients; Byzantine, Islamic, Venetian – Middle Ages17th Century to Modern; Private Collection 1; Private Collection 2 .

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3 thoughts on “The Scent Of Perfume Front Page

  1. Thank you Joan for your comment. It is possible to print any web page using your browser print options. Good luck on your novel and let us know when it is published.

  2. Hello:
    Your site is wonderful but won’t allow me to print out the articles about perfume and bottles through the ages, which will be of immense help to me when I write my perfume romantic suspense novel.
    Can you email these articles?
    I would be so grateful.
    Joan Ramirez
    Member: IPBA

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