Pigeons And Doves Front Page

Question: Are Pigeons and Doves related?

Answer: Pigeons and doves both belong to the Columbidae family and some countries use the same name for both although there are, of course, differences.


Pigeons – you cannot miss them when visiting Trafalgar square in London, the Duomo in Florence, Central Park in New York or possibly even sitting on your own balcony.

They are known for their loyalty, love, family life as well as being the most recognized symbol of peace. Sounds positive? Yet, a substantial market has developed for the purpose of trying to get rid of them …without much success…

Read more about Pigeons and Doves:

The Columbidae Family

The pigeon, first-cousin to the dove, belongs to the Columbidae family. A long history of breeding resulted in an impressive variety of fantails, highflyers, tumblers and more…A few interesting characteristics distinguish pigeons and doves from most other birds - for example, they feed their young a special form of milk...go to this page...
Doves and Pigeons in History

Raising pigeons for food, communication and pleasure was already popular in the ancient world. The pigeon, and its cousin the turtle dove, is mentioned in the bible more than any other bird. It is first mentioned in the story of Noa and the flood...go to this page...
Pigeon Breeding

There are many thousands of pigeon fanciers around the world. These breeders manipulate planned mating (forced marriages) between domesticated pigeons to produce and emphasize desired traits – much like dog and horse breeders. The result is unusual and sometimes strikingly beautiful pigeon breeds...go to this page...
Pigeon Fancier Associations

Pigeon fanciers have been studying, breeding, exhibiting and racing pigeons for hundreds, possibly even thousands, of years. Special associations help educate breeders about caring for their pigeons - what is the best food for each type of pigeon, what diseases pigeons suffer from and how to treat them, etc... go to this page...
Pigeon Fanciers - Who are the Breeders?

In almost every country around the world you can find a community of dedicated pigeon breeders. We have attempted to present just a few examples of breeders in order to provide our readers with a glimpse into their world...go to this page...
Pigeons as a Nuisance

Most town pigeons are descended from cultivated pigeons that became wild. They breed frequently, multiplying at a rapid rate, and are often a problem for the people they live beside. There are many different ideas for getting rid of pigeons...go to this page...
Videos – Part 1: Life of a Baby Pigeon

This group of videos shows the changes in a baby pigeon during its early period and then concentrates on the father’s patient endeavors to teach the youngster how to fly...(13 short videos) go to these videos...
Videos – Part 2: A New Family Member

This second sequence of videos shows a new sibling squab born to the same parents. In this sequence we watch the parents feed the squab and we get a glimpse of the way that pigeons communicate with each other...(5 short videos). go to these videos...

This docuweb includes: The Columbidae Family; Doves and Pigeons in History; Pigeon Breeding; Pigeon Fancier Associations ; Who are the Breeders? ; Getting Rid of Pigeons that are a Nuisance; Videos – Part 1: Life of a Baby Pigeon; Videos – Part 2: A New Family Member .

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