This page includes a series of videos that show the development of a new baby pigeon, born to a family that already has a brother squab.

View ‘Videos Part 2‘ in a sequence:

In this sequence of videos you will see…
First Days of the New Pigeon Sibling
June 16th -17th – The pigeon family has a new baby
Pigeons typically breed a few times a year – usually laying 2 eggs each time. Occasionally only one egg hatches.
This is the second round of eggs for these parents – so they now have some experience.
It may be little but there’s no doubt that this pigeon knows what it wants.
In this video we see the tenacity of the new baby, determined to find protection….
This baby is persistent in its effort to crawl under the father for protection. Despite the fact that it is only a couple of days old and still very weak, it succeeds. Interestingly, the parents are not in a hurry to remove the second egg that didn’t hatch.

Video is 25 seconds (Short and sweet – only a little bit of action)
This blue jay is perched just above the little pigeon’s nest
It feeds on insects, lizards and sometimes… baby birds…
June 23rd
The new baby is left alone which could be dangerous with the birds of prey in the neighborhood. The baby is not aware of the danger.
The baby is trying very hard to turn around, and gets tired after the effort – so tired that it doesn’t even get excited when the mother returns.
Don’t worry, the mother soon comes back.

Video is 1 min 3 seconds (Shows development at this stage and shows how the mother climbs on top of the baby)
Mother Feeds New Baby Pigeon
June 24th – Morning
In this video we see the mother feeding the baby.
Eventually she gets tired but the baby keeps poking her, and obviously wants to continue feeding.
Pay attention to how the mother pigeon feeds the baby.
The baby pushes its beak inside the mother’s beak and draws ‘pigeon milk’ from the mother’s crop. This milk is highly nutritious and is produced from grains within the crop – a chamber inside the mother’s neck.
After a period of feeding the baby is still hungry, but the mother is already tired. When it’s clear that there is no more food at this time, it crawls between the mother’s legs and takes a rest.

Video is 1 min 13 sec (Shows mother feeding baby squab)
June 24th – Afternoon
The baby is still hungry — the mother is still tired…
This hungry baby pigeon keeps trying, but the mother is too tired to feed it.
Eventually the baby, once again, accepts warmth and comfort as a substitute for food.

Video is 1 min 10 sec (Shows interesting relations between mother and baby squab)
Mother and Father Pigeons Communicate
June 28th
In this interesting video we get a glimpse of the parents communicating.
In what seems to be a very orderly exchange of duties, one parent replaces the other – but it appears as though there is tension between them.
Watch and decide for yourself.
The parents appear to be communicating
The mother does not want to (or cannot) feed the squab, so the father steps in. However, if you look carefully, the mother never actually leaves. She is standing behind the plants the whole time – even after the father flies away.

Video is 2 minutes. (If you only watch one movie – watch this one!)
First born-baby pigeon – grown and flying Second born-baby pigeon – also grown and flying, but smaller than her brother
Both the brother and sister pigeons grew up and, while they left their nests, they were often seen together with the parents in the same neighborhood – true to their homing instincts and their natural family orientation.
More Movies…
Watch videos of the first baby pigeon, born to the same parents:
- In the Beginning – new born
- Young Pigeon’s First Steps – a learning process
- The Father Takes Over
- Learning to Fly
You can also find our videos on our Wysinfo Youtube channel.