This page includes the citations and references for our pages on the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea web site is based on the documentary film ‘Life from the Dead Sea’, produced by Yigal Tzadok in 1982. The web site is updated on an ongoing basis to reflect the current state of the Dead Sea and related issues.
The research for the film was based on information provided by:
Rockefeller Museum, Jerusalem.
Tel Aviv University.
Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Israel Museum.
Israel Film Service.
The Greek Orthodox Church, Jerusalem.
Authority of Natural Reserves.
The Association for Preservation of Nature.
Authority of National Parks.
Health Resorts Authority.
Institute for Geological Survey of Israel.
Institute for Petroleum Research and Geographic.
Oil Exploration Investments Ltd.
The Tamar Regional Council.
Dead Sea Works.
Ormat Industries.
Kibbutz Ein Gedi.
Neot Hakikar.
In addition, the film included personal interviews with experts such as:
Professor Yigael Yadin.
Shlomo Drori from Neve Zoar.
Uri Amitai, Geologist.
Yossi Fauxembaum, Agriculturist.
Dr. H. Soffer, Agronomist.
Dr. Jacob Saidi, M.D.
Prof. Zvi Even-Paz M.D.
Representatives of Ormat Industries.
Representatives of the Dead Sea Works.
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We want to hear your comments about any of the subjects that we have documented, as well as your ideas for other interesting topics. (Please note, we do not publish spam or politically motivated comments.)
Our goal is to provide a reliable source of information for web users, based on careful and original research, in simple English for a broad audience.
You can also find our videos on our Wysinfo Youtube channel.